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HomeHunter Safety

The Michigan Hunter Education Safety Program as sanctioned by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources is conducted at LC & SA multiple times a year by our qualified and certified instructors.


Registration is required to attend these classes


Specific dates and times are posted on the calendar as they become available.


The Field Day Class is held over one day. You must take the online portion of the class BEFORE you can attend a Field Day class.. Students attending the Field Day class MUST have a Passed Certificate from a Michigan DNR approved site in possession prior to attending the class.


The dates for the Hunter Safety Courses offered at LC & SA are as follows:


  • March 8th Field Day ONLY Class - Registration opens to the public Feb 18th


Registration for upcoming courses is available by filling out the appropriate online registration form accessible by clicking on the links on this page or from the link provided at the LC & SA calendar event. The registration form is only available as classes are scheduled. Each class is limited in size, so register early. Please fill out a separate online registration form for each individual attending the course. You will be automatically registered for the course and your information will be sent to the course instructors.




Here are some basic details and answers to questions often asked about the LCSA Hunter Safety Course:


  • No charge for this class
  • Duration & Time: The class typically runs from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m; please plan to arrive at 8:15 a.m. to fill out paperwork etc. on the first day of the course.
  • Bring Snacks and drinks. We will take breaks regularly through the day
  • There is no age limit for attendees, just as long as the younger kids have the attention span and can retain the information provided by the instructors.
  • Students 10 years of age or younger must be accompanied,  at all times, by an parent or adult guardian.  (This is a Michigan DNR requirement.)
  • Parents are encouraged to attend the entire course with their children.


If you require further details or have question not answered above, please contact us at

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